
Walking Sighs


  1. Walking is definitely therapeutic, more so if it's raining.

  2. Just so I have this understood all chronologically in my head space. I should be following along by the date written on the image rather than the date of the post, correct?

    In other words, you forgot your key card last September and not today, right? You also enjoyed walking back then.

    Here in the present time do you enjoy it less so? Possibly due to some incident that may have took place in between? :o

  3. She took a while off from posting regularly. So these strips are dated with the correct date they belong to. After a couple weeks she moves them off the main page and back to the date where they belong. So in a couple of weeks or so this will move back to September 2010.

  4. Thanks Rick for explaining for me! haha! :)

  5. Not to speak for you, but I had the same thing explained to me by you a few weeks ago, figured I'd save you the time.
